一般社団法人 JAAS日本アンチエイジング外科学会


一般社団法人 JAAS日本アンチエイジング外科学会



[Jaam] Aesthetic Procedures for the Treatment of Localized Adiposity and Cellulite

[ 2008/7/15 ]
Aesthetic Procedures for the Treatment of Localized Adiposity and Cellulite
韓国・Braian Chunagi Hong MD
Localized adiposity (accumulation of subcutaneous fat) has been regarded as a major theme of medical body contouring. Independently of systemic obesity, it allows various therapeutic approaches which are classified into injectional therapies and equipment procedures. The former includes mesotherapy (mesolyse, mesodissolution), ultrasound hydrolipolysis (= hydrolipocrasia ultrasonica), phosphatidylcholine formula injections, hypotonic pharmacologic lipodissolution (HPL), and carboxytherapy. And the latter embraces, ultrasound lipolysis, low level LASER treatment (LLLT), intracorporeal LASER adipolysis, liposuction, and etc. Sometimes injectional and equipment treatments can be applied together for better results in clinical setting.
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